Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blog Prompts 1-4

Our view of the world can be altered both physically and though the experiences we encounter. We peer through fogged windows, wipe the steam from our bathroom mirrors, rely on glasses or contacts to clear our vision, and view the world through eyes fogged by sleep. We have driven through the pouring rain or struggled for bearings as the snow lights up in our headlights. Our contact with the world is limited by windshields or windows, and we see double or perhaps not at all in rooms filled with smoke. Chances are we consider these disruptions an annoyance, when they could be used to our advantage. Our perspective of the world can be changed drastically through the lens of a camera, reflections in a mirror, the glare off our windows, or through bleary eyes. Our experiences can shape what we find beautiful, what frightens us, what we take time to appreciate and what falls by the wayside. They trigger memories, bring floods of emotion, and affect the way in which we interact and view the people around us. Our experiences shape the way we see. What may hold visual significance for one person could be completely overlooked by another purely based off of personal experience. Take notice. Use those tired eyes to see the world in a different way.

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