Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Photographer Presentation 6

Wendy McMurdo

Wendy McMurdo is a British photographer who studied at the Edinburgh College of Art, Goldsmiths, University of London, and Pratt. She works largely with the relationship between technology and identity.

Many of her images seem surreal or slightly off. In her images, children are generally isolated and are interacting with the environment or each other. The subjects of her images are without supervision and are usually at play. These children are curious, yet easily influenced. 

McMurdo is known for her use of technology. In the image where twins appear to be interacting, The subject are, in fact, the same girl. The idea of this imaginary twin is both curious and unsettling.

Simen Johan

Simen Johnan was born in Norway in 1973 and studied at the School of Visual Arts, NY and Lugnetskolan, Falun, Sweden, Film/Video/Photography degree.

Johan's photos are a combination of digital elements and straight photographs. Many of them have a darker feel and explore what is fabricated and what is reality. 

In his series "Until the Kingdom Comes" Johan uses imagery of animals to mirror the behaviors and emotions of animals.  Johan has also explored children and their seemingly unlimited imaginations. These images either feature children at play or the remnants of their mischief. 

Some of these images seem haunting or ghostly. 


  1. Wendy's project looks like glorified family photos. Not a fan. Simen's I love though and think that this really plays up the childish imagination in a creative way. Surprising and unique

  2. Simen Johan's work kind of seems sadistic. The child in the last photograph reminds me of Chucky... it freaks me out!

  3. the taxidermy of seamen johans work is half disturbing half awesome. more photographers need to be like him in the way he creates interesting environments with dramatic lighting. i see your work mimicking his in the way you juxtapose childish set ups with destructive elements. you two would collaborate well.

  4. Both artist way of portraying children alone is interesting as well as keeping the child mind open ended.

  5. grotesque and innocent at the same time. can you have both in the same image? wow.

  6. So Simen Johan is interested in children, desolation, dark humor, and taxidermy?..... The taxidermy changes that for me. I thought these images were interesting and I still do but when you add taxidermy to his list of hobbies somehow that makes his images of kids and darkness way more disturbing.

    I am also tired of the whole duplicating a person thing. I love the image of the bears and the skeleton in the corner but Im surprised her most famous is that middle twin one...
